Advancing Food Animal Innovation and Talent Development Grants

The North Carolina Food Animal Initiative (FAI) is accepting proposals for Advancing Food Animal Innovation and Talent Development Grants.
As we prepare to launch the Food Animal Initiative, building teams and workspace around the grand challenges of animal agriculture is a priority. To support that effort, the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences will offer funding for multidisciplinary and integrated project teams working in one of the five platform areas:
- Integrated Systems for Animal Health and Food Safety
- Integrated Food Animal Systems and Sustainability
- Digital Animal Agriculture
- Protein Innovation
- Good Animal Agriculture Communications
To provide solutions to these grand challenges:
- Animal agriculture sustainability
- Production efficiency and profitability
- Labor and workforce development
- Consumer trust
Teams will receive awards to create projects that will expand workforce development programs, create novel teaching or communication methodologies, and attract significant and sustained extramural funding for research and Extension programs.
Awards will be made in two funding categories:
- Program Planning and Team Development Grants
● Intended for impactful projects that address food animal industry challenges with fast and implementable solutions.
● Projects will be funded at a maximum of $50,000 for one year.
- Integrated and Multi-disciplinary Research Grants
● Intended for project teams who have demonstrated collaborative success and have research projects ready to advance in scope or impact.
● Projects will be funded at a maximum of $125,000 for up to two-years.